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Jennifer Aniston and Angelina Jolie are pregnant!

Jennifer Aniston and Angelina Jolie are pregnant! Wonder what Brad Pitt has to say about this one! Both Jennifer Aniston and Angelina Jolie are reportedly pregnant at the same time!

Till a couple of days back, reports suggested that Jennifer Aniston is pregnant; however, today, the internet is chock-full with the news of Angelina’s pregnancy as well!

A source is quoted as saying by the tabloid OK: “It’s not something she (Angelina Jolie) wants to officially announce but she's at a point where she is telling a select group of people…Angelina is really savouring every moment. She's having a tough time with morning sickness but says it’s all worth it.”

Well, speaking about Jennifer Aniston, she is reported to be six-months-pregnant! Last week, she was spotted with a noticeable baby bump which she tried to hide with a wide coat! A friend of hers is quoted as saying by Look magazine: “She wouldn’t have wanted to make a big deal but she must be so excited….If anyone ever asked if she was worried about running out of time, she’d reply, ‘I’m absolutely having kids there’s not one doubt in my mind’.”

Isn’t it a coincidence that world’s sexiest ladies are pregnant at the same time? Rest assured Paparazzi must be on their toes!


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