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Not permitted to meet Shahrukh Khan, fans turn violent!

Not permitted to meet Shahrukh Khan, fans turn violent!: Shahrukh Khan is on a whirlwind tour of India to advocate his upcoming perfect work of art Ra.One, but his visit to Bhopal on Thursday headed to a law and request situation in light of the many fans who accumulated to have a take a gander at the superstar.

Well, if anybody suspected that Shahrukh insanity is on the wane, they might as well have perceived the ocean of folks that turned up at a shopping center in Bhopal when Shahrukh Khan reached to push Ra.One.

Seeing that the passage was permitted on passes, a considerable measure of fans who did not have passes were not let in. Wrathful over not being permitted to see and meet Shahrukh, the fans, hundreds in number, turned violent.

Reports declare the fans started pelting stones at the police and security staff. To control the uncontrollable swarm, the police had to reportedly fall back on a gentle stick charge. In the fight that resulted, a few policemen and a sub-divisional judge reportedly managed minor damages. Nonetheless, the scenario was soon carried under control.

Be that as it may it testifies to one thing: Shahrukh keeps on to remain an anger around his fans.


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