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Shweta Tiwari nominated in Bigg Boss House

Shweta Tiwari nominated in Bigg Boss House: The Bigg Boss 4 reality show on Colors is nearing its fag end with just a week left to go and only top 5 inmates left in the house.

This week it has been quite evident that which inmate has the grit and the determination to go for the ultimate title and which one has become quite stressed due to the inbuilt pressures within the house.

The nominations this week have been quite dramatic with Dolly Bindra, Shweta Tiwari and Sameer Soni’s name topping the list and thereby making the entire week a crucial one for every inmate ,whether nominated or not.

As this week had the festive occasion right on Bigg Boss had cheered up the inmates with foam sprinkling and light decorations that made for quite some banter in the house.

With Dolly Bindra complaining for every little thing in the house, this time it is Ashmit and Sameer quite at their wits end with her tantrums. Dolly even shocked everybody with her sudden outburst as she cried out loudly saying that she missed her folks.

Well with so much of last minute tension in the Bigg Boss it remains to be seen who gets evicted this week.


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